Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer vacation

The Daily Blank is taking a breather for the rest of the summer. Those of you who know my work status are probably already asking yourself, “What the hell does he need a break from?”

Fair question. The problem is that I’m on the home stretch of the big move and the next couple of weeks are going to be very busy. The magnitude of the task is making it hard for me to concentrate on anything else. Actually, at this stage, I’m having a hard time finding a little piece of tabletop and a chair that isn’t piled high with boxes. Please note that I’m not bitching – just busy.

Once the move is over I’ll be spending the rest of the summer deep in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts at Pine Island Lake. Not only is there no Wi-Fi there, a usable cell signal is dependent on the relative humidity and the intensity of the Aurora Borealis. I think the best thing is to just power it down for a couple of months.

There may be a couple of special posts over the summer which I’ll announce on Facebook and via email to those on the mailing list.

It should be an interesting time next fall when we return just as we gear up for the midterm elections. At this point I’m not sure who is ahead; is it big oil or Wall Street? There is still time for big pharma to step up and take the flag – you can never count them out. Have a happy summer.



Kaz said...

No trips to Ohio? Scarlet still awaits you.

Gaga said...

By By Daddy

Birdman said...

Well, I certainly hope there won't be any degradation of your handicap over the coming months. In fact, I expect it to go down.

I'm sure Woody would concur.

The Nik said...

We'll blog in person. It gets so much more interesting once the booze starts to flow.