Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Feeling random

I’m feeling kind of random today. It could be Floridian Disconnected Syndrome, but more likely my mind is just drifting to the DeLand St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl starting in a couple hours.

Paddy was driving down the street in a sweat because he had an important meeting and couldn't find a parking place. Looking up to heaven he said, “Lord take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass every Sunday for the rest of me life and give up me Irish whiskey!”
Miraculously, a parking place appeared. Paddy looked up again and said, “Never mind, I found one.” (Thanks Jack)

Is it possible the tide is turning on that idiot Glenn Beck? Has he maybe gone a little too far in comparing Jesus to Hitler in his recent rant against churches that are in favor of social justice? Thanks to Nigel for alerting me to Roger Ebert’s rant, which is worth reading.

Michael Lewis has received an unbelievable amount of press for his new book The Big Short, about the guys who won on Wall Street by betting against Goldman, Lehman, Morgan Stanley, et al during the mortgage meltdown. I love Lewis’ books, and will read this one. He was excellent last night on Charlie Rose.

I particularly enjoyed his prediction of the decline in importance of investment bankers. He also pulled no punches in calling them liars, thieves and fools – my words not his – but he was very direct. (Although not quite as direct as Matt Taibbi who called Goldman “…a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”)

I heard a good Bill Clinton line on a recent Tom Brokaw special on the Baby Boom generation. Brokaw suggested that Boomers measure up poorly when compared to their parents. Clinton replied that he thought it unlikely that the Greatest Generation was at the same time, the worst parents ever.

Are any of you are interested in a guest blogging gig? After nearly 300 posts I feel like I’m talking entirely too much. I know that many of you have a lot more to say than will fit comfortably into the comment box. You could write about pretty much anything you like. A typical post of 500-700 words seems to work best; that’s less than a full page typed single spaced. (This one is just over 400.) If you are interested, send me an email: (No blood relatives need apply.)


Unknown said...

Roger Ebert's bog on Glenn Beck doesn't just critique Beck. I has the audio link of Beck saying it. I suppose Mr Beck is a national test to see where its center is.

If communism is such a threat to Mr Beck, how come North Korea is the last man standing? It does appear that in his eyes "left" has moved to the right. How far to the right does feel we should be? No public schools? No municipal fire department? No government sanitation? No heath standards?

What I do hear in his delivery is the voice of the guy in the mob who yells out, "lynch him."

"Give a fool enough rope and he will hang himself." Or will enough American's hang others at his beck?

Birdman said...

I read Roger Ebert's post and watched Beck give his screed. Notice that whenever he wants to show something he finds shocking or against everything he stands for, he always uses black people as his foils. This guys is nothing short of one of those 1930's religious hucksters who uses incendiary language to incite his gullible followers. The fact that Fox permits him on air and encourages his dispicable ideas is really insidious.

It allows the other right wing ideologues on the Fox to appear measured and moderate. They claim what they call the political middle by using Beck as the extreme right and anything to the left of them as far left. In actuality on a 0-10 scale with Beck being 0, Hannity and O'reilly are 1's and other are no higher than a 2. They then say anybody over a 2 is a left wing ideologue. Nice slight of hand.