Thursday, April 15, 2010

Goin' to Missip

I’m leaving for Mississippi tomorrow and I’m just too excited and focused on that to think about much else. Thank you all for your kind words and encouraging comments on “Taxi driver.” I’m spending a lot more time trying to write that sort of thing these days. Plus, Coach Lou and I have our weekly Life 3.0 post for What’s Next. Once those are done I find the DB competing more and more with my loafing time, and loafing is going to win that one every time. I’ll try to do better when I get back from Clarksdale. Maybe the trip will provide a good story or two. Perhaps I’ll even see the Devil-woman again – although I hope not.

You may recall that I was wishing I had a demographic picture of the Tea Party (not the tea-baggers which I recently discovered is something completely different!). Well, just this morning the New York Times obliged with a New York Times/CBS News poll that shows that they are older, wealthier, and better educated than the average American, and they really don’t like President Obama. It’s pretty interesting reading.

By the way, the Indians have been officially eliminated from the American League playoff picture, the first time this has happened prior to May 1st.


kgwhit said...

Compared to the Orioles, sporting a eye popping 1-9 record, the Indians are the 27 Yankees.
Have fun at the Crossroads.

fenway said...

Be happy you don't live in Houston! I've settled on my team winning 87/88 this year. Safe travels d'B. See you at Fenway this summer. Actually BB may be able to get away (he's ok to go as he's a Mets fan). Maybe I can get a friend's box. Should we include B.McM - Yankee fan? Not sure I could stand it :)

Gaga said...

DB,you missed the fact that for the 1st time the Indians & the Browns were eliminated from the playoffs on the same date.

Happy Trails as we used to say.

The Tea Party is attempting to bring honest & fairness back into government by disquise. They dont have the whatevers to call themselves Republicans or even closer to the truth "Klan."

jreebel said...

Guess you missed that Indians winning streak, huh? Or maybe it was just a White Sox losing streak. And last night? As they said in the Plain Dealer this morning, our pitcher (Masterson) should have just stayed in bed.