Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hillary is in trouble now

Noted Hiram College grad Wilton Connor stepped up to be an Obama volunteer for the upcoming North Carolina primary after meeting the candidate recently. That's Wilton in the middle as the candidate speaks to the president of Davidson College. I'm hoping we can persuade Wilton to contribute some dispatches from the front lines in the coming weeks.


Anonymous said...

Well I think we can call in the dogs and p*** on the fire. This baby's over. If Wilton lends his not insubstantial support to Senator Obama I think we can safely say this one's in the bag.

Anonymous said...

Obama should win the primary here in North Carolina without much difficulty. Now that Wilton is supporting him his lead in NC should only increase. I have to rethink voting for Obama after hearing he bowled a 37 recently. I believe our Townie bowlers would have beaten a 37 despite consuming a variety of adult substances. I know the Ohio people are embarrassed for Obama. Maybe Hillary should challenge him to a bowling contest. It might be her only chance to win.