Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dear Congresswoman Lowey

October 22, 2009

Hon. Nita Lowey
U.S. House of Representatives
2329 Rayburn House Office BuildingWashington, DC 20515-3218

Dear Congresswoman Lowey:

I’m writing to announce my new strategy for voting in Congressional elections. It was born of my frustration with Congress’ general inability to deal with the many serious problems facing our country.

Reviewing your web site, your constituent emails, or similar communications from either New York Senator, reveals thoughtful and rational policies for addressing these problems, and given the dominant position your party now holds in Congress I was expecting dynamic and creative action to combat the financial, educational, environmental, foreign policy and social tribulations bedeviling us.

Instead we are getting financial service industry reforms that fail to address the specific problems that got us in our current mess, health care reform that looks more like a band-aid than major surgery, the corruption of the past administration replaced with an unwillingness to remove a tax cheat from the Chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee, and general disappointment for those of us who had hoped for genuine reform.

The problems we face as a nation can only be solved by a bipartisan commitment to find solutions. Instead we get a never-ending war between the political parties and weak legislative action that gives the appearance of problem-solving without actually doing anything.

While you are almost certainly not the problem Congresswoman, from here on I am holding you (and Senators Schumer and Gillibrand) responsible for the actions of the entire Congress. By this I mean that unless there is real progress by next November I shall vote for your opponent regardless of your particular actions, or how closely your positions match my own.



warrenout said...

Now if we can get 150 million people to think the same way, we may have something.I'm embarrassed to say that many voters in my neck of the woods are actually listening to the convicted felon Trafficant on talk radio given the chance to run I honestly think he could get significant votes.

d'blank said...

Good Lord.

Unknown said...

"I feel your pain," LBJ.

Saint Teresa of Ávila; "answered prayers cause more tears than those that remain unanswered."

"What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet."
Woody Allen

Gaga said...

"Left or right,it's still the same." Donald Campbell

"One person can change the world with a bullet in the right place." ?

A moment please for the passing of a truly great American,Soupy Sales.

kgwhit said...

Doubt that you will garner a response. Under our company's logo, I sent letters for addressing the need to change health care, with a public option, because rising rates were killing our business.

I sent them to the Senators in the three states we have offices and to the local member of Congress.
In response, we have received two form letters about health coverage that had nothing to do with what we said. Senator Mark Warner did send a letter that indicated someone actually read the letter we sent and sort of addressed the issues I raised. The other four Senators and two Congressmen never even sent a form letter.

Gaga said...

In another time wasnt this call taxation without representation kgwhit ?

One of the items not considered in 1776 was the elimination of Congress when electronic voting,directly from the citizens, was made possible. I think its time has come.

The Nik said...

All members of Congress should be very happy to know it's illegal to send fecal matter in the mail unsolicited. Otherwise I have a feeling it would be a very brown Christmas on Capitol Hill this year.

Frankly, I am surprised they did not include "politician" or at the very least "Member of Congress" as one of the "protected classes" in the recent hate crimes bill addendum seeing as the way they are screwing us really is some sort of deviant sexual behavior.

d'blank said...

I'll let you know if I get any kind of reply. I expect that I will but it will be a marketing piece on everything Nita has done to serve me lately.

warrenout said...

Dennis,recently retired and recently serviced by your congresswoman,I'm thinking life isn't all that bad.

Unknown said...

When you look at our system you have to sigh and say, is this the best we can do?

A sad commentary when we love our country.

Boz said...

You cannot adopt politics as a profession and remain honest.
Louis McHenry Howe

I'd love to hear what her response is if there is one. I envision Lincoln spinning in his graveat the state of the Union. Only in Y-town would people view Trafficant as a person of positive moral fiber.