Closer to the truth would be Matt Taibbi’s decription in Rolling Stone: “The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano made a strong late run when she claimed this week that “the system worked” in reference to the recent attempted fire bombing of a Detroit-bound jetliner.
It’s quite a system we have in place. The guy’s father drops the dime on him to the American embassy, the British had already barred him from entering their country, he bought a ticket with cash and checked no luggage, but that wasn’t enough to raise any red flags. I once got stripped searched because I had a outbound airplane ticket from New York to San Francisco but the return ticket was LA-NY. Apparently this was highly suspicious.
This leads me to ask, how in the world did they talk this kid into this mission? I understand suicide bombers. You put on the vest, you push the button, and you are vaporized in a millisecond. How bad could it hurt? And the next thing you know you are frolicking with your 72 virgins.
But this guy had to pack a half pound of napalm around his package, use a hypodermic needle to inject the napalm with acid, and then light it with a match. If all had gone well he’d have gone up in flames that eventually would have burned a hole in the plane. There were bound to have been a few minutes of discomfort involved if all had gone according to plan. (Plus then, what can you do with the virgins?) The New York Post captured it perfectly on today's front page with this headline: Great Balls of Fire!
That had to have been a tough sell. I’d like to see the video of the pitch. Whoever delivered it must have made Alec Baldwin’s character in Glengarry Glen Ross look like Willie Loman on a bad day.
Come on. As the perennial first poster, I am beginning to feel like the town pump. I've been waiting for another to step in.
So many superb candidates for Liar of the Year. An embarrassment of riches. Who jumped on "death panels?" Who accused a critic of ethics when his links to the insurance companies were brought up on his no vote on health care with the public option in place? Who claimed elections in Iran were on the up and up, blaming dissent on GB and the USA? Who said his leave of absence was due to a walk on the AT? Why should I stop here other than too long a post will not be read?
If the US Army cannot determine that one of their own my go on a shooting rampage, how the hell do we expect five or six branches of government to coordinate on one Nigerian 23 year old?
There will be terrorists attacking this country from time to time.
It is impossible to stop everyone who is willing to blow his balls off for Allah.
My liar of the year, Obama, for saying we'll put 30,000 more troops in Afghanistan for 18 months until the Afghan army is up to snuff. Anybody really see that light at the end of the tunnel? Even his internal reports say that ain't happening.
Wrapping yourself in the warm embrace of Jesus while siphoning off every nickel within a thousand miles is particularly odius. Nice pick Dennis.
Sarah Palin is right up there with serial prevaricators. Her use of "death panels" and her reasons for quitting as governor of AK are particularly good examples. Can't wait for the Bristol-Levi custody battle. Should be a diginified event.
The entire republican congressional delegation qualifies for this award as well. They vote as a block so they can be lumped into group. They have mislead, misrepresented, lied and obfuscated on every issue imaginable. They vote no on every piece of legislation and accuse the democrats of being partisan. Nice job!
My #1 Obama Change Where? What?
Before you people to the right of center keep keying Obama, remember that he inherited this nightmare from Pinocchio himself:,GWB and Geppetto, Dick Cheney. Oh what a lovely bunch of coconuts. They are the gift that keeps on giving.
If Obama made any mistake, it was underestimating the degree to which the republicans would political advantage ahead of the good of the country. When one Doofuss like Jim Demint (R-SC) can hold up the appointment of the head of TSA because he's afraid of unions and then complains about the lack of leadership in that very same agency, I think that takes shamelessness to a brand new height.
Oh good - i was hoping we'd get some other nominees, but picking a politician just seems to obvious to me. Its like picking a professional athlete as "felon if the year."
and Hankster -- only a guy living in the Village would find KG or Gaga "right of center."
Obama not left enough for you? I suppose he has it just about right if he pleases neither right or left.
The big O has been a disappointment. W could never disappointment because I had no hope for him.
He put the same crooks in charge of our financial system. He left it up to Congress to fashion a business friendly health care bill that seems to be a give away to the insurance industry.
He decided to put more troops in Afghanistan; selling it as a holding operation until the devil dog Afghanis start carrying the load.
About the best thing I can say for him is that he can speak in complete sentences. I guess baby steps in breaking from W are all we should have hoped for.
In calculating the lie factor one should consider how much & how many believed in the original telling. No one on Wall St. is ever believed about anything. Alot of folks have taken BO's words to heart.
Wall St vs Main St, who got theirs?
"We will extend our hand, if you unclinch your fist." This was followed up with murdering 3 pirates,continuing Iraq,escalating Afganistan, & now bombing Yemen.
Ruling out business men & politicians for liars of the year leaves us with...ahhh , I didnt buy a car this year.
I can't help but point out, Dennis, that in a comment here on December 5, in response to my calling Obama a transparent liar, you implied that might be a good reason to vote for him, or at least that it was no big deal. That being the case, I'd think you'd be running puff (not hit) pieces on Goldman Sachs.
Still, I'm glad to see that some of the other usual suspects here (I use that phrase with respect and affection) have come around to my point of view. It was bound to happen.
What's it going to take to get you to turn on this empty suit? He is not only the liar of the year, but the liar of this "low, dishonest decade."
Anyway, thanks - and best wishes to you, Dennis, and to all of your faithful commenters, for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. I have enjoyed reading and commenting on your blog, even if all of my views are not endorsed immediately. The future will provide many opportunities.
While i am disappointed in Obama (KG summed up my views perfectly) i do not consider him a liar. he is just very skilled at doing what all politicians aspire to do -- have you hear what you want to hear when he speaks.
For this reason I am very much against demonizing him as it suggests that the alternative are superior. what are the alternatives? Lady Sarah? please. Mitt? the country has spoken already. The preacher? methinks that unfortunate pardon did him in for good.
As for LotY, i'll stick with Lloyd. I feel that his lie was audacious, and also captured the zeitgeist perfectly. Please continue to offer your picks.
I agree with you that the other possibilities are pretty thin. Moreover, politics is intrisically the choice between bad and worse. Nevertheless, your defense of Obama could barely be weaker.
While I have called him here the Brittany Spears of american politics (and other worse things when the circumstances permit a descent to less attactive formulations) I have hope that he will (as the NYT is fond of saying about republican appointed Justices) "mature in office." The world of Putin, the chicoms, Ajad, Kim, the chinless optometrist, and Hugo is a nasty, nasty place. Obama obviously has a short personal fuse, which when spent leads to his own nasty side. After a disasterous year of having the fingers on his outstretched hand bent backward by every murdering punk in the world, I am hopeful that he will finally cop an attitude that leads to action that reflects our national interest and values. In the mean time, kid gloves for the president just because the alternatives are weak, or because he's not W, won't get us what we have to have. Bitter and unrestrained criticism of BHK's vacuous world view and feckless actions is an important part of the desired future. Save your defense of him for when he has done well. Don't go all soft or defensive when he serves up wimp's mush, just because he is (per LBJ) "our SOB."
I stick with Barry for LotY.
Another way to look at our collective disappointment with Mr Obama is to see it through the lens of a broken system. A country which made the A bomb, prevailed on the beaches of Normandy and survived its war of succession is lost in the desert with an empty canteen.
I heard Ralph Nader today on Brian Lehrer respond to the question on how our President is doing: the winners keep winning. Power and money are trump cards. Until reform, even one who has the aptitude and political gifts of Mt Obama is hamstrung. Like Dennis, I believe his intentions have been honorable. I don't believe he became President with the intention of abetting Goldman Sachs. But he has. But don't buy into any of the big lies, the production of which have been honed to destroy so that the other side can get their foot in the door. Effective, aren't they?
Perhaps one thing can be said of Mr Obama, like Mr Clinton, he can be accused of giving succor to his enemies. But LotY? Come on.
The first thing that I have heard lately that I like about Obama is what he has been doing in Pakistan and Yemen. Without coming on TV and flexing his biceps, he has hit Pakistan with more drone bombings than W did the entire time he was in office. He has, under the cover of the Yemen air force, hit the Al Qaeeda strongholds with air strikes.
We don't need a barechested John Wayne strutting across the world stage, we need to kill the sobs where they sleep and when they don't know what the hell hit them.
When the locals are going to protect the targets, a Marine platoon isn't going to catch'em unaware while going down on their favorite goat. We are a tad too loud pounding the ground to sneak up on our favorite Al Qaeeda goatherder.
Fighting terrorism is not like the invasion of Normandy, it is sneaking up and killing them when they least expect it...just like they want to do to us.
It is also using the information we collect and not letting it sit on someone's desk while some kid tries to blow up a plane.
Youmayberight WMD ring any bells? We'r so happy to forget that we dont even consider Dick Cheney & his puppet GW.
I agree with Hank. The System is both corrupt, and corrupting. Money rules all. The government does not serve the people; it serves the powerful and connected.
Dennis, now you're talking like Ralph! As despised as he has been, he is spot on. I think he should stay behind a curtain and use a sock puppet with the face of Hugh Grant to mouth his words. We need a third party. The problem is getting from hither to yon. We also need real reform. Where are the mavericks?
As to the LotY, as a New Yorker, and aren't we all? How about Pedro Espada? A state senator who doesn't live in his district: Da Bronx, threw the Senate into stalemate when he and Hiram Monserate, another POS, jumped ship to the Republican side for the position of speaker, or majority leader, or whatever. BTW, because Elliot Spitzer resigned after using his most important organ on a prostitute, after hypocritically going after men who use prostitutes, as state Attorney General, resulting in a voting stalemate in the state. Pedro and Hiram came back to the Dems for another honored position. He also tried to get a high paying job for his son during a hiring freeze. BTW, Hiram cut his girlfriend's face with a broken wine glass after having been an advocate for women's issues.
Let's hear it for the Empire State!
Since living in NY makes my vote irrelevant anyway, I voted for Ralph in 2000.
Dude it was 72 'black-eyed' virgins. Now if you'd ever had a BE virgin you'd understand.
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