Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My State of the Union Dilemma

I got a totally unnecessary text from Buzzard this morning reminding me that the speech and the Ohio State-Purdue basketball game both start at 9:00 p.m. eastern tonight. While I responded that “this is why God invented the DVR” I’m not sure yet which one will get the delayed viewing.

On the one hand Buzz went to Purdue and I Ohio State, which presents a unique trash-texting opportunity. The Buckeyes are 20-0 and ranked #1, but Purdue is also highly ranked and 17-3. A game like this would normally have my full focus for the evening.

But the Obama University-Southwest GOP State game is looking pretty interesting too. OU is definitely on a mini-winning streak at the moment, with the latest polls putting him at a 55% approval rating – his highest in months. Expect more easy-listening rhetoric.

And then we have the post-speech SWGOPS rebuttal in which Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) will call Obama a socialist and promise to balance the budget without mentioning that he will also eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Pell Grants, the Post Office and the FDA along the way.

We also have the unusual seating arrangements to look forward to, wherein the two teams have decided to have their respective pep squads sitting intermingled like some kind of bi-partisan daisy chain; although I gather Mitch McConnell has decided to scowl his way through the President’s speech apart from any opposing team fans and will instead sit next to and hold hands with Supreme Court Justice Thomas whose wife is out of town stalking Anita Hill.

I think it’s unlikely this new interparty sociability will lead to any sustained political cooperation but I am hoping it cuts down on the standing ovations which are more numerous every year. At Ohio State games we do the standing “O-H-I-O!” cheer but only during time outs; Congress leaps to its feet in response to every innocuous of comment creating time outs which will be especially annoying tonight when each standing O delays the start of the game another 90 seconds.

Washington is second only to Hollywood in gratuitous self-congratulations; they need Ricky Gervais to MC the SOTU speech or at least a Big Ten ref to call a few “delay of game” technicals.


Birdman said...

SOTU should be an interesting watch. Curious to see if the teabaggers will be able to control their emotions. I hope not. It makes for better theatre.

Paul Ryan will be predictably boring. Especially considering his "roadmap" for fiscal health has been soundly ignored by his own party (it could be because he has such popular ideas as privatizing social security -- an idea who's time as surely arrived). Of equal interest will be the response by Michelle Bachman (R-St. Elizabeth's). She will be representing the Tea party express. I'm sure it will be a cogent, think piece on the state of American experiment. I can't wait.

On the other hand, I may watch the OSU/Purdue game.

kgwhit said...

Don't count on the civility lasting through the speech. As Steve Israel, head of DCCC, said on a conference call today when asked about the integrated seating, "it isn't where you sit but where you stand."
The Democrats in the house are not about to push civility.

Woody said...

If you are looking for talented individuals performing efficiently while emphasizing the importance of teamwork, watch the OSU-Purdue game. How sad! By the way, I read the Gail Collins and David Brooks articles on Lieberman in the NY Times. Brooks made Collins look like a junior high school reporter covering the ninth grade dance. Should she be writing for the NY Times? Maybe I caught her on a bad day.

Unknown said...

Woody, you need to have at least 2 martinis (or 1 mar-two-ni) before reading GC. She doesn't suffer fools lightly. My read was that DB gave Joe too much gravitas. The man is a toad. He only pushed the repeal of DADT to fu@k with me! While on the subject of amphibians, how about a reptile: Mitch McConnell! Doesn't he play any other roll other than an evil banker from a 1930s movie who specializes in back foreclosures? There is a French word which describes his act: chutzpah. He wouldn't think twice about repossessing a crutch from a cripple. Oh yeah, he is looking out for my interests...

jreebel said...

You lie!
Watch the game, hopefully you can get the SOU highlights on You Tube later without the applause. It's not as time sensitive as a live sporting event.

d'blank said...

I thought this was one of the President's better speeches, the Buckeyes, and thanks to the magic of the DVR I saw them both. A pretty good night.

Unknown said...

Obama inspired greatness; Ryan's prune juice is just about to kick in and remind me to buy some more toilet paper. As Shields said on PBS afterwards, there are 2 types of conservatives. Reagan was the 5 minutes to dawn variety. Ryan was the 5 minutes to darkness. Zero government spending so we can pass on a mausoleum plastered with The Constitution to our children.

Ryan gave us a bible lesson on The Constitution! He was preaching to an atheist. Turns out the Founding Fathers neglected to include direct protection of the environment. Too bad. Our kids will just have to drink polluted water and breath noxious air. Sorry, not in The Constitution. But, with a little economic suffering, they will have the freedom to buy 31 round clips for their Glocks, while they do piece work for the Chinese.

Why should the public prime the economic engine when the private sector can give us such economic gems like derivatives, predatory lending and PCSs.

Unknown said...

Sorry, that's PCBs!

Birdman said...

Woody, remind me to tell you my Joe Lieberman story. Of course he wants gays in the military. He wants everybody in the military!

Good speech by Obama. There's the ubiquitous complaint of "not enough details". That has been the complaint about SOTU speeches since they started. I didn't bother with Michelle Bachmann's speech. She's bughouse crazy and completely ignorant of American history.

fenway said...

Woody: you definitely caught Gail on a bad day. She's terrific.

My only gripe with the SOTU is it wasn't soaring oratory. However, Chris Matthews opined it was pure JFK - not RFK. Hopeful not dark.

Speaking of dark. Anyone as emaciated as PR is a bad dude with dark corners.

kgwhit said...

Was quite taken with Michelle Bachman's tea party response. She said we had to repeal Obama care or we would get government run health care. Obama should allow Americans to buy any health care they like anywhere they like...she left out that tidbit about how they would pay for it.
Although she topped herself by saying that the founding of the nation was a miracle and turning to the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima stated that was a miracle also as against all odds as they fought totalitarian aggression. And just as they came together then we must come together now to lower government spending and to proclaim liberty throughout the land.
I learned that Obama spending and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor were synonymous and we must come together to defeat government spending just like we defeated the Japanese. And together we can spread liberty throughout the land.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

d'blank said...

I was in a hurry to get to the Bucks last night and didn't see either Ryan or Bachman, but I was inspired but Hankster and KGWhit's synopsis to go to youtube and take a look. I think you are both spot on.

jreebel said...

I turned off Ryan when he started ranting about lowering taxes. These idiots don't know our federal income taxes are the lowest they've been in at least 30 years?

Unknown said...

For me, Michelle Bachman shamed me into becoming a patriot. All those guys who staged putting up the flag at Mt Suribachi had copies of the Constitution in their pockets. Now I am convinced that no one who went ashore at Iwo Jima was a socialist, commie or left of Attila the Hun. She is so smart and worldly. She has inspired me to be just like Clarence Thomas when I grow up and marry a lady who gets paid for being in a right wing think tank, neglects to report income, and leave pubic hairs on coke cans.

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