Friday, May 9, 2008

Why should she quit?

I am powerfully sick of hearing people say Hillary should quit the race. Their reasoning make no sense, and there are plentiful reasons she should stick it out.

Some say she should quit for the “unity of the party.” Since when are the Democrats united on anything? “I belong to no organized political party,” Will Rogers famously said seventy years ago, “I’m a Democrat.” This is the party of George Wallace and George McGovern, and you’re telling me it can’t take a little debate between two people who stand about a quarter-inch apart on most issues?

Some say Hillary’s candidacy is hurting Senator Obama’s standing with middle and working class white people. These are the same people who want to lower the graduation requirements for inner city youth rather than push them to meet higher standards. This logic assumes the kids (and Barack) don’t have it in them to compete and win. It’s the worst kind of racism.
  • (If you want a reason for her to drop out, how about this one? She and her husband are now financing her campaign with money he got for giving speeches to foreign and domestic robber barons who will probably want special access to the next President Clinton.)
    But that last point is just my biased opinion. Here are a few reasons why Senator Clinton should fight on as long as she wants:
    This is America. If she wants to run, who the hell is anyone to tell her she can’t? And why shouldn’t the citizens of upcoming primaries have the right to cast their votes in the matter?
  • The Democrats are drawing huge numbers of new voters into their primaries. Some go to him and some go to her, but I see no reason not to take her at her word that if Obama gets the nomination, she will fight at his side in the general election; and no matter what the polls say now, most of those people are going to stick with the Dems in the general.
  • Finally, you have spring training to get into shape for the regular season. Does anyone think that the Republicans are going to go easy on Barack if he is the nominee? He’s lucky to have someone throwing fastballs to him in the preseason because he’s going to see a lot of high heat come Labor Day. As Gail Collins said in the New York Times yesterday, “Barack looks so tired that he seems ready to topple, but if you want to be the most powerful elected official on the planet, you ought to be able to outlast a 60-year-old woman."

While not personally afflicted, I realize that Hillary Hatred is a powerful and pervasive disease. Those afflicted should focus on electing their man cause she ain’t quittin’.


Anonymous said...

How about "I can feel the big chunks coming up?" Enough of the Bushes and Clintons.

Am I the only person who suspects this country is falling into the 3rd world? In more ways than one.

No doubt she would be a competent president but I can't afford 4 or 8 years more of these 2 families.

d'blank said...

Good point Hankster. I had not considered the "chucks" issue.

Anonymous said...

If she was adding anything of value to the political dialogue -- fine, go for it, Hillary. But she's going down for the count without addressing the issues, but just personal slams against Obama and offering her "constituents" the lowest form of bribes.

For once in their painfully long political lives, the Clintons should bow out gracefully -- without taking the rugs, furniture and brick-a-brack with them.

If they can't find the switch, the super delegates should get off the damn fence already and make a decision.

Anonymous said...

I liken her candidacy to a NASCAR race. She's a lap and a half behind with 2 laps to go. She has no chance of winning and her only hope is that Obama throws a rod or blows out all 4 tires. She can suspend her candidacy and pick it up in case Obama throws up on himself.

Certainly you can't say that she doesn't have the right to keep campaigning but what does she hope to accomplish? The notion that she's still in to let the people in WV and KY participate in the process is laughable. She and Bill are hopeless uncontrollable narcissists and have no concern for anyone but themselves.

Anonymous said...

Chiming in again. The old saw; "just because you can do something doesn't mean you should."

Nigel said...

Check out the latest spoof on her from last night's Saturday Night Live:

d'blank said...

Man, you guys are tough. So let me ask you this, if Hillary need a blood trasfusion to live and you were the only people there, would you give up a pint?

Anonymous said...

As if she wouldn't just take it.

Anonymous said...

I think the estimable Hankster says it all. I'd certainly offer her yours D. I need all I can get. None to spare.